A: The picture above shows a solar panel. The portions circled in blue are where wires from a voltmeter are measuring the voltage produced. The voltage would be produced by sunlight.
Q: How many volts were produced?
A: The picture above shows the voltmeter which was connected to the solar panel. As you can see, it measured to about 2.9 volts. The reason a negative sign is there is because I put the wrong wire on the wrong side of the solar panel.
Q: So what are you going to do with that solar panel?
A: The picture above shows a solar motor. I plan on using the solar panel to power up the solar motor. You may be wondering as to why this picture is blurry. This is because the photo was taken when the solar motor was moving. Mr. Grosinger was showing me how the solar motor would be when it is powered by a lot of volts. Since the solar motor was powered by many volts, it was moving very fast.
Q: Was that the only solar panel?
Q: How many volts have you gotten so far?
Q: What else did you do?
A: The picture above shows a hole puncher, and a pair of hand held shears. There is also a piece of metal. This piece of metal will turn into a signature design of metal created by my teacher.
Q: How did the metal turn out looking?
A: The picture above shows how the metal turned out, but it was not done yet. Next, we cut the edges off the piece of metal, and used to brake to bend the metal into shape.
Q: What was the final result?
Q: What did you do for cleanup day?
A: My teacher told me to clean this area out and make it look neat, so that’s exactly what I did. The picture above shows the mess. As you can see, it is quite messy.
Q: How did it look after you cleaned up?
A: The picture above shows how it looked after I cleaned up. As you can see, it looks much more neat and organized than it initially was.
Q: Did you do any research?
A: Yes I did do research. The picture above shows a screenshot from a video I watched about solar panels and how they are made. Here is the link to the video:
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